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Advocacy In Action
Appleseed Childhood Education is a community-based non-profit that directs, fundraises and advocates for its Appletree Rensselaer licensed 70-seat child care and early learning center in Rensselaer, Indiana. We are one of the only community-based organizations to create new, affordable, quality, child care seats in Indiana since 2021.
We are leaders in the child care space and continually advocate for the importance of child care in rural communities.
Appleseed Childhood Education Non-profit Funding Model
Licensed child care that is affordable for families is not financially sustainable.
Affordable Child Care
Child care is viewed as a market good in Indiana and the United States―and the market is brutally efficient. A profitable business model for affordable child care in rural communities does not exist. Therefore, child care does not exist in almost all rural communities in the country.
The cost to provide quality child care in rural communities is more than what families can afford to pay. We think there is a different way.
Economic Development
Employers and rural communities must attract and retain young families to thrive and grow. Affordable, quality child care is necessary so that people can go to work and not struggle with reduced earnings due to child care instability.
It also means that employers can have a reliable and focused workforce that ensures productivity and profitability.
Local Government Support
The lack of state and federal investment in child care means that local governments must be a partner in building child care infrastructure. Our local government entities―Jasper County and the City of Rensselaer―continue to support our mission.
These are the only two local government entities in Indiana that allocate taxpayer funds to support operations of affordable, quality child care centers.
It’s time for state and national policy on child care to change. The challenges that rural communities face creating and sustaining affordable, quality child care are unique and complex.
Rural communities must have a seat at the table. We will represent rural communities in these discussions to ensure that we are seen and heard.
Advocacy Timeline
September 2020
Appleseed distributes $100,000 worth of educational materials from defunct Jasper County Youth Center to 29 local organizations
March 2021
Appleseed challenges low value of Jasper County CCDF vouchers with OE COSL
February 2022
Appleseed speaks at Indiana statehouse to Indiana Rural Caucus on rural child care
November 2022
Appleseed speaks at National Association for the Education of Young Children national conference
December 2022
Value of Jasper County CCDF vouchers increased by OE COSL
August 2023
Appleseed testifies at Indiana statehouse to Interim Study Committee on Child Care on reality of child care in rural communities
September 2023
Appleseed featured in Reuters article on challenges and opportunities of rural child care
October 2023
Appleseed testifies at Indiana statehouse on importance of child care in rural communities to Land Use Task Force
January 2024
Appleseed speaks to NPR on possibility of child care funding being included in the 2024 Farm Bill
April 2024
Letter of Support to General Assembly on updating Indiana’s child care regulations
June 2024
Appleseed speaks at the first National Child Care Innovation Summit hosted by the US Department of Commerce